今回のジャパン・プラットフォーム(JPF)のブログでは、2019年7月のブログ( http://blog.japanplatform.org/entry/2019/07/11/130125 )にも寄稿していただいたジェシカ・アレクサンダーさん(Ms. Jessica Alexander)のレポートを紹介させていただきます。アレクサンダーさん(フルブライト奨学金受賞研究員、上智大学客員研究員)は、ニューヨーク大学及びコロンビア大学の大学院で、人道支援の効果とアカウンタビリティについての講義を担当し、これまで自然災害・紛争による人道危機における評価と対応を数多く経験しています。著書には『カオスを追う:人道支援を内外より見つめた十年(原題Chasing Chaos: My Decade in and out of Humanitarian Aid)』があります。
JPF地域事業部(福島担当) 山中 努
Visit with Japan Platform to Project sites in Iwaki
On October 12, 2019, Typhoon Hagibis made landfall on Japan. Although it was the 19th typhoon to hit Japan this year, it was the most powerful in decades. The typhoon caused significant damage, leaving dozens dead, severe flooding across numerous prefectures and tens of thousands of homes damaged. This report highlights some of the ongoing recovery efforts in Iwaki and the issues still facing communities affected by the typhoon. It is informed by interviews and field visits with staff of AAR, The People and Peace Boat in Iwaki city on November 11, 2019.
Early warning and evacuation
· While early warnings through media broadcasts and neighborhood loudspeakers were extensive leading up to the typhoon, they were largely ineffective for residents living in the mountainous areas. Since the 2011 GEJE, the evacuation system has primarily focused on the use of loudspeakers along the shoreline. While coastal residents were informed, there were insufficient communication mechanisms to reach people who lived inland. Incidentally these were residents most vulnerable to the flooding from the heavy rains in the mountain areas. Media broadcasts focused on Chikuma river in Nagano where the flooding was happening during the daytime. Yet the flooding of the Natsui and Abukuma rivers, affecting Iwaki, Koriyama, Motomiya, Date was happened at nighttime and did not receive sufficient attention. Messaging and communication channels thus need to be contextualized and reinforced for the conditions that face different residents.
· Eight years since the GEJE, people’s vigilance about preparations for disasters has significantly decreased. As one respondent said, “Our awareness used to be higher, but after 8 years everyone has forgotten. We were very very surprised and shocked by this disaster.” Generally people have a mentality of “it won’t happen to me.” Contributing to this was that rain levels in Iwaki were quite low. People did not expect the unprecedented quantity of rain in the mountain area above Iwaki, with 900 mm falling per hour, causing the nearby Natsui river to flood, and inundating towns below.
People didn’t expect the level, as the rain outside their windows wasn’t so hard. They were relaxing in their houses and the river flooded, and suddenly the water was so high. They just went to the second floor or on top of their roofs. Some spent the night on the roof.
· The elderly were disproportionally affected by the disaster as evacuation notices came by SMS which did not reach them. Some did not have the capacity to evacuate. The representative of local NPO in Iwaki named ‘Minpuku’ is working to identify where elderly people live to ensure they are assisted during future evacuations. However, few of these towns have young people who can support such activities. Risk communication needs to also be linked to daily life activities – festivals or events – for people to have interest and attend. These activities are also critical for people knowing each other, where they live and making connections as a form of preparedness.
Issues facing affected people in Iwaki
· Conditions in evacuations centers are still poor despite lessons from 2011 GEJE. Over 80% of people affected by the typhoon have opted to stay on the second floor of their damaged home or sleep in their cars. For disabled, the situation is even more difficult as the centers are not equipped to deal with their special needs. Elderly and disabled cannot move from their damaged houses.
· For those with flood insurance, it has covered damage to the homes themselves, but not the materials inside such as their heaters, stoves, refrigerators, appliances or cars. Without their cars, people cannot get to work. Replacing these items, especially during winter, are some of the greatest needs facing people now. Some replacement materials have been donated, but the need is estimated to be twice as much as what was provided.
People can’t think about their future, just do what’s in front of them.
· All of the kindergartens are closed and so parents have to stay home and care for their children until they are reopened.
NPO support to Iwaki residents
· In Iwaki, there are fewer volunteers to support recovery than what is needed. This is partly due to the extensive media coverage of the Chikuma river in Nagano, which happened in the daytime. Most volunteers therefore went to support affected people in Nagano. While the flood there was very serious, the flood in Natsui and Abukuma rivers, affecting Iwaki, Koriyama, Motomiya, Datewas was even more severe. Mud removal under the floors of damaged houses is anticipated to cause problems next spring when vegetation begins to grow. Without the support of volunteers, people are expected to fix their houses themselves, many of whom are elderly and are unable to do the job.
· Organizations like AAR have expanded their activities to provide materials for disabled people who were affected as well as distribute hot meals to evacuation centers in Nagano prefecture and Marmori town.
· There have been improvements in coordination since the GEJE. In 2011, it took nearly 2 months to set up an information sharing meeting. But after the typhoon there were more immediate opportunities to share information. Fukushima Renpuku (Fukushima Renkei Hukkou Center), for example, was an intermediary organization for local NPOs that passes information to and from the government and has helped with information sharing in Fukushima. The NPO “The People” and Social Welfare Council of Iwaki city are also supporting information sharing.
· The NPO, “The People,” has worked for 30 years in Iwaki to decrease trash by collecting used clothes and reselling them. With these proceeds, they are able to employ handicapped people to wash the used clothes, thereby creating a small work opportunity for them. Since the floods they have supported victims by providing clothes, towels and water to affected families. They have also provided food through a food bank to those in need. Half of the people who attend are men living alone.
· Peace Boat is also supporting people who have opted to live on the 2nd floor of their homes instead of going to evacuation centers by providing clothes, food, water and sweets for children. About 60-70 people from the community visit the center each day. Volunteers from the community have come to help staff it. The salon run by Peace Boat has been an effective way for people to share information about what happened and what to do with their houses. For most people, this was the first time they have experienced this kind of damage and so don’t know how to repair their homes. This is a way they can share experiences and help each other with repairs.
Compensation levels for affected people
· In Nagano, where the flooded Chikuma flood washed houses away, people receive higher compensation, can go to evacuation centers and are eligible for temporary housing. However in Iwaki where the flooding didn’t completely destroy homes, people are eligible to receive up to 600,000 Yen to repair their homes. These people can decide whether or not to go to evacuation centers, but many choose not to go to the official, government supported ones because technically they can still live in their homes. Affected people in Iwaki have established an informal evacuation center by themselves, supported by NPOs such as the JPF Alliance.
· The varying compensation provided by the government has divided communities. Families received government compensation depending on the level of water, not the extent of the damage. Some believe this is a method of the government to divide people and better control them. Still, the compensation is insufficient to do the proper reconstruction that is needed. People have called for larger compensation to go directly to victims, not to construction companies which just “makes Tokyo rich but does not support the people who need it most.”